Wednesday 22 October 2008

More of London square mile

Again, some more from the square mile area of London. Since I am based out of Trafalgar and am not really too familiar with how to get around or where to go, I am tending to stick with this area as there is always something interesting to see.

Next week I am heading up to Manchester for a bit so will see how it compares to the big schmoke of London.

1. Pizza Hut doorway at Covent Garden - pretty funky I thought

2. Picadilly again with a bit of a purple tint

3. Red carpet at the Odeon - just missed Keanu Reeves and Mrs Gordon Brown, amongst others, as part of the London Film Festival - so actually not a very exciting shot but hey there you go! You can see some of the Paparazzi still hanging about on the left uploading there photos for tomorrow's papers.

4. Fountain at Trafalgar - trying out the long exposure thing to get that smooth water look. Some of heavy processing took away the light eerie look of the water though which isn't so good.

5. Nelson! Thought this looked pretty cool in black and white. It wasn't easy climbing up onto the statue plinth in my work shoes with a camera and tripod but I made it safely :-)

6. And finally for tonight, a better one of a London bus. I like this because it is bright and fuzzy but actually in focus just on the centre of the bus. I feel there is a real sense of movement coming through.

So look out for Manchester by night coming next week!!

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