Tuesday 6 January 2009

I went down to the woods today...

Well okay it was a couple of months ago now, but I haven't had time to update the site much recently. So here is a little piece of autumn for you :-)

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Manchester by night

Well I am working up in Manchester this week and next and so decided to keep the city at night theme running. Here are few images from the centre of Manchester last night. Not the most exciting, but there you go!!

More big wheels!

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Embankment and London Eye

Some more normal pics of the Embankment and London Eye etc... since the last ones have been a little 'out there'

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Ace Cafe London - German Car Meet

So I took a run out to the Ace Cafe last night to the German car meet.

So I took a run out to the Ace Cafe last night to the German car meet. The Ace Cafe was made famous during the era of Mods and Rockers and is somewhere I thought would be pretty cool to visit. It remains to this day a popular hang out for bike and car enthusiasts. See the event schedule here ace-cafe-london.com

Probably the nicest car there, super clean and low E36 touring


Made this image of what it would have looked like back in the 1950s hey day

Thursday 23 October 2008

What is the London Square Mile?

Just what is the London Square Mile that I have referred to in my previous posts?

Well this morning I have learnt something new... The City of London is often called The Square Mile and is only the small bit in the middle that is literally made up of one square mile.

Some key things that aren't in The City include:

* Trafalgar Square and Nelson's Column
* Piccadilly Circus
* The London Eye
* The Tower of London (it's just outside)
* Tower Bridge (also outside)
* Tate Modern (but the Millennium Bridge is a City bridge)

Interesting article on the history of London here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London

So I stand corrected with my previous posts and titles!!

Wednesday 22 October 2008

More of London square mile

Again, some more from the square mile area of London. Since I am based out of Trafalgar and am not really too familiar with how to get around or where to go, I am tending to stick with this area as there is always something interesting to see.

Next week I am heading up to Manchester for a bit so will see how it compares to the big schmoke of London.

1. Pizza Hut doorway at Covent Garden - pretty funky I thought

2. Picadilly again with a bit of a purple tint

3. Red carpet at the Odeon - just missed Keanu Reeves and Mrs Gordon Brown, amongst others, as part of the London Film Festival - so actually not a very exciting shot but hey there you go! You can see some of the Paparazzi still hanging about on the left uploading there photos for tomorrow's papers.

4. Fountain at Trafalgar - trying out the long exposure thing to get that smooth water look. Some of heavy processing took away the light eerie look of the water though which isn't so good.

5. Nelson! Thought this looked pretty cool in black and white. It wasn't easy climbing up onto the statue plinth in my work shoes with a camera and tripod but I made it safely :-)

6. And finally for tonight, a better one of a London bus. I like this because it is bright and fuzzy but actually in focus just on the centre of the bus. I feel there is a real sense of movement coming through.

So look out for Manchester by night coming next week!!

Tuesday 21 October 2008

London square mile

Here are few pictures from tonights walkabout round Covent Garden and out to Picadilly again. It's all to easy these days to do a search of flickr or other picture hosting sites and get the traditional safe style site seeing photos. I am getting more adventurous with my pics and trying to build a really vibrant but gritty style into my work. I am nearly starting to think of it as art!!

1. Fuzzy logic - London bus heading past Trafalgar Square

2. Inside Covent Garden market. Will have to think about trying some HDR techniques on images like this.
3. Real tacky looking piece of scrap sitting on the road on the way to the West End.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Buckingham Palace, Picadilly & Leicester Square

Out for another walk about last night to see what I could find... Hope you like!

This one's a bit strange, trying too hard to be arty!

Wednesday 8 October 2008

London city from the rooftops

1. This is the view of Trafalgar Square and Nelson's Column from the roof terrace of my hotel.

2. And the view to the right over the roofs to the Thames and the London Eye.

3. This place is at the end of he Mall. I think it is called Admiralty House and is home to the Cabinet Office. Pretty cool the way the traffic drives through the archways to get to Trafalgar.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

London by night

Well I am working in the big smoke of London City for the next year or so and have decided to take as many interesting pictures as possible while I am here. Keep checking back for the latest images.

Tube in motion:

Lloyds Building:

Lloyds Black and White

Tower Bridge

Big Ben

Lasers over the Thames

Millenium Bridge

Houses of Parliament